Friday, October 1, 2010

Human Body Warmth as Energy

The French are very innovative in the way they gather energy. Over 3/4th of French electricity is generated by nuclear power plants, and even more is created by reusing the nuclear material. The newest French energy project puts a new and kind of creepy meaning into French innovation. The government is installing an experimental heating system in a public housing project in Paris, which will use the warmth of human bodies to fuel it. 

The system uses heat emitted by passengers of a nearby Metro system, as well as heat generated from the train moving over the tracks. The heat is funneled to a heat exchanger that pushes the warm air into the building pipes. Of course, the system is also supplemented by district heating.

Like always, I support forms of energy that make use of resources that would otherwise be wasted. Its kind of cool to think that someone is staying warm because of your beating heart, but its also kind of creepy. I'm also kind of wary on the legal implications of having my body service the needs of others without my knowledge.

It's just an experimental system, and definitely not economically feasible for areas away from the Metro (too expensive to funnel the heat). Still, hopefully it gets people thinking of ways to use the wasted energy all around us.

1 comment:

  1. Why would it be creepy or abusive?
    The subway systam (as well as any other public encolosed location) needs to remove heat caused by humans to keep the temperatures at a comfortable range. Instead of treating that heat as waste and ejecting it to the atmosphere (through a heta exchanger such as ... an air-conditioner), they are using it to heat up other areas that could use it.
    No "stealing" heat, just "reusing" waste heat
